增加可持续粮食生产对于养活经常饿着肚子睡觉的8.2亿多人口至关重要, and the additional two billion people the world will have by 2050. 推荐买球平台粮食安全创新奖旨在支持能够在全球农业中产生变革性影响的科学研究.
Awarded in partnership with the Agropolis Foundation, 该奖项旨在表彰创新的科学研究项目对可用性的潜在影响, accessibility, affordability and adequacy of food, in line with UN SDG#2: End Hunger. 获奖者将获得7.5万美元的资助,以扩大他们已证实的研究.
2021年推荐买球平台粮食安全创新奖授予了一个研究团队,该团队开发了一种高效的植物灭鼠剂,准备在非洲推出,以帮助遏制老鼠和减少作物损失. The research team was led by Luwieke Bosma, from MetaMeta Research, Wageningen, in The Netherlands, and Dr. Meheretu Yonas, from Mekelle University in Ethiopia.
The shortlisted projects best embodied the promise of innovation, the benefits of engagement, and the potential for impact at scale.
2021年的每一个参赛者都展示了对新问题和长期问题的新颖解决方案, 最终入围者脱颖而出,因为他们的项目被认为特别值得继续发展和支持.
由瓦赫宁根大学研究中心的Tomaso Ceccarelli博士和亚斯亚贝巴大学的Elias Eyasu Fantahun博士共同领导的粮食安全创新测绘(IM4FS)建议“最适合”的作物组合, 提高粮食不安全地区小农主要作物产量的耕作方法、环境和社会经济条件.
Applied at scale, 它有可能改变埃塞俄比亚等国家的生产力, hit by food insecurity.
2017年奖 授予了ICARDA的Durum小麦育种家Filippo Bassi博士,以表彰他培育了一种耐热小麦, able to withstand the 40°C temperatures of sub-Saharan Africa.
Since receipt of the Prize funding, 这些新品种已经在塞内加尔和毛里塔尼亚生根发芽, and successfully cultivated for the first time in Benin, Togo, Ivory Coast, Ghana and the Republic of the Gambia.
塞内加尔河沿岸的女农民接受了培训,成为以村庄为基础的种子企业. 迄今为止,他们已经生产了100吨种子,目标是达到100吨,000 tonnes by 2022, with continued government support. You can also read his plea to the COP 23 Committee on the Huffington Post.
The inaugural Prize in 2015 was awarded to a 康奈尔大学的一个研究小组正在彻底改变水稻的种植方式. Read In conversation with Professor Uphoff – The Olam 2015 Prize Winner.